The Vault Lake Wylie is a 60,000 rentable square foot self-storage facility located along Hwy 49 near the Buster Boyd Bridge in Lake Wylie, SC. Vulcan acquired this challenging land parcel (with 60 feet of grade change) in 2015 and created value by developing self-storage on the back half of the parcel (utilizing bi-level buildings to work with the grade) and selling off the more valuable front parcels to a retail oriented developer. Because of its proximity to public boat ramps (0.5 miles away) and an identified need for boat parking in the area, the development emphasized parking with 133 oversized, paved spaces. Delivered in 2016, the property exceeded both lease-up velocity and rental rate projections with the boat parking leasing up in just a few months. Vulcan received several unsolicited offers to purchase the property during lease-up and sold the property in 2017.